NWEC Trustee Keith Stark (pictured on the left) has completed the Credentialed Cooperative Director curriculum offered by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) and was awarded his CCD certificate by Board Chairman, Chris Oberlin.
The NRECA Director Education programs are specifically designed to help electric cooperative directors (also referred to as trustees), at every stage of their service, understand their roles and responsibilities, stay up to date on the key issues and trends in the industry, and prepare to meet the challenges facing electric cooperatives now and in the future.
The Director Education programs are offered in three parts, taken in progression from fundamental to advanced.
The Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) curriculum consists of five courses designed to provide essential knowledge and skills required of cooperative directors.
The Board Leadership Certificate (BLC) is the next step in advancing the knowledge and experience trustees need to govern their board effectively. The BLC can be attained after earning the CCD and then completing a total of 10 credits from courses including grassroots, power supply, cooperative business model, governance, finance, communications, technology, and risk management.
The Director Gold Program recognizes directors who have earned their CCD and BLC credentials and are committed to continuing their education throughout their service on the board. Directors must earn three credits from a list of approved continuing education programs within a two-year period from the time their last Director Gold credential was awarded.
NWEC recommends that every co-op trustee receive educational training so that he or she is versed in the electric industry to help serve you, our members. By gaining knowledge and experience, your trustees are ensuring that all the members “have
the power” of a successful cooperative.