Kill A Watt EZ Electricity Usage Monitor
Understanding energy use is the first step to reducing it.
The Kill A Watt EZ is an electricity monitoring device designed to easily measure how much electricity is being used by your plug-in appliances at home and work. Most home electronics - which now constitute up to a third of a home's energy use - continue to draw power even when they are "off". Find out how much money you can save in your electricity bills by turning them off and being smarter in your home energy management.
NWEC member-owners can borrow Kill A Watt EZ Monitors from NWEC's office. Stop by for more information.
We have also partnered with local libraries to offer the Kill A Watt EZ Loan Program to their patrons. The program allows borrowers to check out the Kill A Watt EZ Monitor in the same way they would borrow a book or a DVD. Stop by any of the following libraries to pick one up today.
Williams County
Montpelier Public Library - 216 East Main Street, Montpelier
Bryan Main Library - 107 East High Street, Bryan
Bryan West Annex (Local History & Genealogy Center) - 102 North Main Street, Bryan
Edgerton Branch - 319 North Michigan Avenue, Edgerton
Edon Branch - 105 South Michigan Street, Edon
Pioneer Branch - 106 Baubice Street, Pioneer
Stryker Branch - 304 South Defiance Street, Stryker
West Unity Branch - 109 South High Street, West Unity
Have you already borrowed a monitor and need a handy chart to record your findings? A printable chart is available to make it easy: