small CHANGE that CHANGES lives

Operation Round-Up is a program implemented in 2001 by North Western Electric Cooperative (NWEC) to help build stronger communities and make them better places to live. The program is managed by the North Western Electric Trust Board of Directors.
If you or your organization are interested in being considered for a grant, please complete the appropriate application:
The next application deadline is Friday, March 14, 2025.
For more information, please email us or give us a call at 419-636-5051.
Operation Round Up FAQ
The North Western Electric Trust is funded through the generosity of NWEC members who contribute each month when paying their electric bill. For those that participate, their monthly electric bill is processed as usual but an extra line item, Operation Round Up, will appear on their bill with the amount that rounds up the bill payment amount to the next whole dollar.
Let’s say their electric bill for the month is $76.75. As an Operation Round Up participant, their payment amount will be rounded up to $77.00. That extra 25 cents will be donated to the North Western Electric Trust fund; a fund completely separate from the cooperative’s funds. All the funds placed in the Trust fund are then distributed to needy organizations or individuals in our area through the Operation Round Up Program.
Each member’s monthly donation could be as little as a penny, but never more than ninety-nine cents. The average donation per member is $6.00 per year. All contributions to Operation Round Up are tax-deductible and the total yearly amount is listed on their December electric bill. By giving collectively, it makes a tremendous difference in building stronger communities.
Every cent collected by Operation Round-Up is placed in a special trust fund to be used only for helping people or groups with specific needs. The use of the funds is at the sole discretion of the North Western Electric Trust board of directors. The board consists of seven North Western Electric Cooperative members. They meet at least three times a year to review and approve applications for assistance based on demonstrated needs and funds available.
The North Western Electric Trust is a separate organization formed to oversee the accumulation and disbursement of these funds. North Western Electric Cooperative pays administration as well as all expenses for North Western Electric Trust. This assures that all money collected by Operation Round-Up is used for charitable projects. Operation Round-Up is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Any non-profit, civic or community-based organization that demonstrates a commitment to enhance the quality of life in our area, primarily Williams and Defiance counties, can apply. The organization does NOT have to be a North Western Electric Cooperative member to apply.
Individuals may also apply provided they are residents of Williams or Defiance counties. They do NOT have to be a North Western Electric Cooperative member.
Restrictions apply, see Grant Guidelines below.
The following are general funding restrictions. These are guidelines only and subject to review upon extenuating conditions.
Contributions for organizations will NOT be made for:
Payment of electric bills and/or other utilities.
Lobbying, political organizations or campaigns.
Veteran, fraternal and labor organizations.
Fund-raising dinners, raffles and other events.
National fund drives.
Funds for redistribution.
General operating expenses.
Contributions for individuals will NOT be made for:
Mortgage, rent or deposits.
Automobile expenses.
Credit card bills.
Utility bills (electric, telephone, water, gas, sanitation).
Political campaigns and causes.
Home insurance.
Cosmetic dental expenses.
On-going monthly household expenses.
Grant recipients cannot apply within one year of receipt of trust funds.
All applications will be considered and evaluated based on the following:
Potential benefit to area residents and the entire community;
Level of community support for the program or project or the organization requesting the funds;
Administrative capability of the organization to deliver quality service or program;
Results that are predictable and can be evaluated.
To be considered for selection:
Complete the official application form. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Submit the application and all other required documentation by the publicized deadline date. Late applications will not be accepted.
Generally, prior to the next Trust Board meeting, you will be contacted by a Trust Board member who will gather further details about your request.
During the next Trust Board meeting, all the applications will be reviewed and discussed.
The Trust Board will collectively approve any grants to be distributed.
All applicants will be notified of their application status as soon as practical following the Trust Board meeting.
The Trust Board reserves the right to visit the recipients of any funding to ensure proper use of the funds received.