Safe & reliable electricity
North Western Electric is continually striving to reduce our power interruption time and also provide quality service to our members.
Throughout the remainder of the year crews will be working on the following projects:
OCR maintenance on Edgerton Sub feeders in the Edgerton area
Underground maintenance on equipment fed by Edon and Seneca Subs in the Northwest, Florence, Bridgewater, Madison and Superior townships
Overhead maintenance in Washington, Tiffin, Adams, Hicksville, Mark, Delaware, Noble, Carryall, and Crane townships

As part of our normal system maintenance schedule, each component of our infrastructure is periodically inspected and evaluated for damage or potential failure. Our subcontractor, American Energy Services, is performing inspections on all the poles located in Hicksville, Farmer and Carryall townships. They will be in those areas until mid-April so you may see their employees, their white trucks and their ATVs as they work to complete their inspections.
Pole testing is important to keeping a safe and reliable system in tact for everyone. The information the sub-contractor gathers will be used to plan future maintenance jobs and budget allocations.