Wind and solar have been the fastest growing renewable energy source over the past decade. With continually evolving technology, many are wondering if wind and solar power could be used as power in their own homes.
Before choosing a renewable energy source for your home or business, it is important to understand the process and requirements of interconnection with our electrical power grid. This includes our Net Billing procedure (see the "How You're Billed" section below). The energy experts here at North Western Electric Cooperative are ready to assist you through the entire process. We do not sell renewable systems but as your electric service provider, we need to be involved in the process from the very beginning.
Regardless of what energy source you choose, you should consider reducing your energy consumption first by making your home or business more energy efficient. Reducing your energy consumption will significantly lower your utility bills and reduce the size of the home-based renewable energy system you need. Energy efficiency upgrades, such as adding insulation or changing out light bulbs LEDs, often have a much faster payback than installing solar equipment. If you would like help with this, contact our office to set up a FREE home energy tele-audit or complete the form available here.
Interconnection Steps (Connecting your power source to the grid)
- Your privacy is important to us so we will not release any information regarding your account to a contractor without your permission.
- Buckeye Power, Inc. is our wholesale power provider and they establish the rules and regulations for interconnection into the system.
- The NWEC member-owner must contact us and review the cooperative's distributed generation (DG) policies prior to starting any installation in order to avoid costly mistakes. Contact us by calling 419-636-5051, 1-800-647-6932, or by e-mail.
- The required agreements are listed at the bottom of this page. During your conversation with our energy experts, you will be instructed on which agreements will be needed for your specific project.
- All NWEC required agreements must be executed in advance of any equipment installation. The completed agreements may be submitted as scanned PDF files or as hard copies (printed). Photos of the documents will not be accepted. ALL documents requiring signatures, MUST BE hand-signed. Digital signatures are not acceptable.
- NWEC will explain the Ohio kWh tax responsibilities, commercial liability insurance requirements based on the size of the system and NWEC's net billing rates.
- The contractor or member-owner provides us with the system specifications and a copy of the purchase agreement, along with the required application fee.
- Your DG equipment must be supplied under an equipment purchase or lease agreement (not an agreement to purchase electricity from the vendor).
- NWEC will review the application and additional materials to determine if a system study will be required.
- The member-owner and the contractor will be notified of approval/rejection of the project. If approved, the installation of the equipment can begin.
- Once the project is completed, NWEC will perform a final inspection of the installation. All main disconnects must be installed and accessible to NWEC.
- Proof of insurance, listing NWEC as a loss payee, must be provided before interconnection is allowed.
- Upon satisfactory inspection, NWEC will install a bi-directional meter and convert the member-owner's account to a net billing account with the appropriate facility charge.
How You're Billed
Most member-owners with solar or wind systems still purchase energy from North Western Electric Cooperative each month. But if you generate more electricity than you consume, we'll buy it from you at wholesale generation rates. This is done by installing a meter that records how much energy you generate onto the grid. This will be monitored and credited to your monthly bill.

Additional Resources
- While installation can be expensive, tax credits can help you reduce the cost of your wind or solar system.
- Ten Steps to Take Before Installing Solar
- Questions to Ask a Solar Contractor
- Solar FAQs
- Solar Ownership Options
- Solar System: What Size is Right for You?
- View real-time data for the OurSolar projects installed at Ohio cooperatives:
- Where does NWEC's power come from? Learn about Buckeye Power"s balanced approach to energy resources.
Distributed Generation (DG) Interconnection Forms and Agreements - Please contact our office for a list of the required documents needed for your specific project. Completed forms MUST BE submitted as scanned PDF files or as hard copies (printed). Photos of the completed forms will not be accepted. All documents must be hand-signed, no digital signatures will be accepted.
General (Regardless of Size)
- Interconnection Steps (Connecting Your Power Source to the Grid)
- Application for Distributed Resource - Attachment 1
- System Study Agreement - Attachment 2
- Technical Guidelines for Interconnection and Parallel Operation - Attachment 3
- Agreement for Electric Service - Attachment 4
- Peak Warning Device Agreement - Attachment 5
Generation Less Than or Equal to 25KW
- Application for Residential Solar Generation Facility (< OR = 25 KW-DC) - Attachment 1-A
- Agreement for Interconnection and Parallel Operation of a Distributed Generation Qualifying Co-Generation or Small Power Production Facility - Attachment 6 (Wind & Solar)
- Agreement for Interconnection and Electric Service for Residential Solar Power Production Facilities with Net Billing - Attachment 6-A (Solar Only)
- Agreement for Electric Service for Qualifying Co-Generation or Small Power Production Facilities with Distributed Generation - Attachment 7
Generation Greater Than 25KW
- Agreement for Interconnection and Parallel Operation of a Qualifying Non-Residential Co-Generation or Small Power Production Facility Greater than 100 KW or a Qualifying Residential Co-Generation or Small Power Production Facility Greater than 25 KW - Attachment 9-Leased
- Agreement for Interconnection and Parallel Operation of a Qualifying Non-Residential Co-Generation or Small Power Production Facility Greater than 100 KW or a Qualifying Residential Co-Generation or Small Power Production Facility Greater than 25 KW - Attachment 9-Owned
- Agreement for (Back-up and Supplementary) Electric Service - Attachment 10