North Western Electric Cooperative offers incentive rebate programs to our member-owners to encourage energy and cost savings.
Please note that all rebates must be requested within 60 days of the purchase. Specific program requirements and request forms are included in the documents within each section below.
Residential Member-Owners Only

ENERGY STAR® Appliance Rebates
Do you need to replace your existing refrigerator, stand-alone freezer or central air conditioning unit? ENERGY STAR®-certified refrigerators and stand-alone freezers (10-30 cubic feet) can qualify for a $100 rebate from NWEC when purchased and installed at a residential location served by the cooperative. ENERGY STAR®-certified air conditioning units (a maximum of two) with a minimum 16 SEER rating and a cap of six tons can qualify for up to a $150 rebate per unit from NWEC. All rebates are issued in the form of a credit to the member-owner's electric account.

It is the joint interest of North Western Electric Cooperative (NWEC) and its member-owners to reduce electricity demand. NWEC now offers a rebate to encourage energy efficiency for approved ENERGY STAR® smart thermostats. It must be new and installed in a residence receiving electric service from NWEC. A rebate request form, proof of purchase, and proof of ENERGY STAR rating must be submitted to NWEC within 60 days of the purchase of the appliance. If approved, the rebate will be issued in the form of a bill credit.
Residential or Commercial & Industrial (C&I) Member-Owners
Geothermal & Air Source Heat Pump Rebates
Have you considered replacing an existing fossil fuel heating system? Why not check out the most efficient and economical resource that is right in your back yard?
NWEC is offering rebates to member-owners who install a new geothermal ($800) or air source heat pump ($400 - $600) heating and cooling system in a home, office, or other building that is serviced by the cooperative. The equipment must meet specific energy standards upon installation. All rebates are issued in the form of a check payable to the owner of the structure where the equipment has been installed.
The participating contractor or member-owner shall be required to submit to NWEC, within 60 days of installation of the equipment in the structure, the following documents:
A completed Rebate Request form.
A contractor invoice showing the name of member and address where equipment would be installed.
Geothermal Heating & Cooling System Rebate Details and Request Form
Air Source Heat Pump System Rebate Details and Request Form
Purchase & Installation Loans (Residential member-owners only)
A low interest loan is available to our residential member-owners directly from North Western Electric Cooperative, Inc. for the cost of the equipment and the installation of a geothermal or air source heat pump system.
Program features:
6 percent annual interest rate
5 year loan term
Loan amount is limited to 80 percent of the installed cost after any rebates
A maximum of $10,000 may be borrowed
Program Guidelines:
System requirements must be met (see guideline links above)
A pre-approval form must be submitted
Loan approval will only be granted to the member-owner who owns the residential structure
Electric & Heat Pump Water Heaters
It is the joint interest of North Western Electric Cooperative (NWEC) and its electric member-owners to reduce the demand for electricity and promote the use of high efficiency appliances.
NWEC will offer a $250-$400 rebate to encourage energy efficiency for approved water heaters installed in new construction only. Effective 7/1/23 rebates are no longer offered for replacement of water heaters in existing structures.
To qualify for a water heater rebate, the member-owner must agree to adhere to the terms of the Electric Water Heater Rebate Agreement and submit a Rebate Request Form.
Electric Water Heater Rebate Agreement and Request Form
Digital Thermostat Water Heaters:
Important Information for Water Heater Radio Control Switch (RCS) Program Participants
NWEC’s current RCS Program offers rebates (new construction only) and monthly bill credits to those member-onwers who allow a RCS to be installed in their homes. We want all our member-owners to be aware that due to advances in water heater technology, some changes to our program are necessary.
If you are participating in our RCS program and you are not planning to replace your water heater, then you will not see any changes. If, however, you need to replace your current water heater then these changes may affect your participation in our program.
Water heater manufacturers are producing units that are more energy efficient. The newest water heater technology incorporates digital controls which allow the homeowner to program the run time and temperature of the water heater units based on their individual needs. Unfortunately, your Cooperative has become aware of a potential conflict when these digital control type water heaters are connected in conjunction with our RCS.
If you will be installing a water heater with digital controls the RCS must be removed prior to the water heater being energized. Contact our office at (419) 636-5051 to schedule an appointment for the free removal of your RCS.
For more information and photographs:
Warranty Claims:
If your water heater is leaking and it is still covered under the manufacturer's warranty, please click on the link below to view claim details.
Water Heater Problems:
If you have lukewarm water or no hot water, please click on the link below for general water heater trouble shooting.